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Use Your Logic: Hiding/Showing Form Fields


Here’s a good way to keep forms clearly organized: just show the fields that are relevant to the person filling it out. Let’s say you won’t be staying overnight at an event, then you won’t need to see the fields that have to do with booking hotel rooms. Here’s how you can set up a smart form...

Forms that include all options – even though they might not suit every user – are a pain to read and take up more time than needed. Thankfully, it’s not a problem to fix this.

Here’s an example: When registering for an event, you ask if the participants if they plan on staying overnight. If users check "No," they can move on to the next question. If they answer "Yes," new fields are displayed regarding room choice: single or double room, with or without breakfast, etc.

How a form field “behaves” is based on input into one or more of the fields.

Here’s How:

1. First create a web form that contains all necessary fields and options – even if they are not relevant to all users. The Form Designer is launched from DocuWare Configuration: 

First create a web form that contains all necessary fields and options


2. To define how a field responds to input, first select the field and then select Behavior > Add new in your field settings. Here you can configure when a field should be hidden, required, or read-only.

In our example, the room type with the options “Single room” and “Double room” should only be displayed if the option “Overnight stay” has been selected.  

Now the Room type fields will be hidden if an overnight has not been chosen or the choice "No" was selected.    

In the behavior dialog you can configure when a field should be hidden, required, or read-onl


3. Use the same steps to set conditions for the other fields.

4. Save the form. You can check how the new field is working in the form preview.

Fields such as "Name of partner" or "Room type" are now shown only if a user has selected the appropriate precondition, seen here in the form in the middle and on the right side:

Fields such as "Name of partner" or "Room type" are now shown only if a user has selected the appropriate precondition, seen here in the form on the right side:


You can edit an existing behavior with a click on the icon Field Behaviors.

