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Posts with the topic of "Technology"

New for version 7.8: White Paper System Architecture

In conjunction with DocuWare Version 7.8, an updated version of the white paper about on-premises system architecture was also published. It covers ... Read more

New Version: Workflow Expression Parser

With arithmetic expressions, you can further process and customize data in workflows. The updated brochure "Workflow Expression Parser" is here to ... Read more

File cabinet notifications optimized for iPaaS

iPaaS connectors are ideal for integrating cloud applications with each other. Webhooks are used to make it all happen and have been optimized in the ... Read more

Updated: System Architecture White Paper

Look under the hood of DocuWare On-Premises and dig into its technical underpinnings. To accompany the new DocuWare version 7.7, an updated white ... Read more

iPaaS: Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Made Easy

Tedious interface programming? That was yesterday! With DocuWare iPaaS Connectors, you can exchange data and documents with over 1.000 other cloud ... Read more

Update: White Paper System Architecture

DocuWare is a big believer in transparency, especially when it comes to system architecture and how the software is built. To see how everything ... Read more

Intelligent Indexing: DocuWare goes AI

With the help of Intelligent Indexing, DocuWare can quickly and reliably extract all information needed for document storage and processing of ... Read more

New version: White Paper System Architecture

DocuWare's blueprint for on-premises solutions - that's the focus of the System Architecture white paper. This helpful document was recently updated ... Read more

Chrome browser security change: Time to switch to HTTPS

Google is further strengthening the security of its browser. A change in Chrome version 92 means that only encrypted communication via HTTPS will be ... Read more

Securely log into DocuWare

DocuWare is simply secure: With the help of single sign-on, it‘s easy for your employees to log in - while ensuring optimal protection for all your ... Read more

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