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Result List Features on Demand

Vuttons at the top of the list provide instant access to the most commonly needed features

Different jobs need different features. To simplify your interface – especially with the more than 30 features available for a results list – you can show or hide them to best suit your needs.

Depending on the tasks, level of responsibility or filing structure, you and your colleagues might need different features for the documents within result lists: print, download or send, rename, copy to another file cabinet... The list of possibilities is long, since lots of features might be needed for different jobs or situations.

With sub-menu choices, a result list can offer over 30 features. In the interest of clarity, sometimes less is more – make only what’s needed visible
With sub-menu choices, a result list can offer over 30 features. In the interest of clarity, sometimes less is more – make only what’s needed visible


So that you can set up a perfect working interface, while retaining the full functionality of DocuWare, you can hide features that aren’t commonly required from the context menu and display frequently used functions directly as a button in the result list.

Here‘s how it's done:

Click on File Cabinets in DocuWare Configuration and select the desired file cabinet. Switch to the Dialogs tab, then go to Result for the result list you want to edit. In the window that opens, scroll down to the bottom and pick Result List Functions - Configure:

Configure the result list functions in DocuWare Configuration 

In the following window you can choose which of the functions should be visible in the context menu or shown as a button.

Choose which of the functions should be visible in the context menu or shown as a button

Removing unneeded features makes the context menu shorter and easier to understand. In addition, buttons at the top of the list provide instant access to the most commonly needed features:

Vuttons at the top of the list provide instant access to the most commonly needed features
