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Tip: Document Links via Clipboard

Simple and practical: with the new DocuWare Version 6.9, you can quickly access a hyperlink to a filed document or result list. Just copy the link into the clipboard and then you can add it to other documents, programs or email. This new feature makes it a lot easier to work in lots of different situations:

  • While writing an email you want to point someone to a document stored in DocuWare: simply search for the document, copy the link and paste it into the email – done!
  • A project team wants to include all reports in their protocol notes from a recent meeting: search for all the reports related to the project, copy the link to the result list, and then paste it into the protocol. Bonus: these reports remain dynamic (always current!) and accessible, just by clicking the links found in the protocol.
  • A collection of important archived documents should be made directly available on your company’s intranet page, such as forms related to vacation or sick days and absence rules: simply call up the documents, copy their links, and paste them on the Intranet page – done!

Here’s How:
You can find the feature "Get document link" in a document’s context menu as well as in the toolbar of the viewer:


In the options of the result list (1) there is the function "Get result list link" (2):















Every link will appear in a field where you can then copy it:


Want to know more about DocuWare Version 6.9? Click here for lots of information about all its new features, including how to use them and their benefits.
