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How To Turn Document Management Inefficiencies Into Cost Savings

a woman searching for a file in a large file roomHow much time does your staff spend looking for business-critical documents before locking them down and carrying out an intended task?

Or, maybe your staff fails to find these documents at all, and abandons the task altogether.

Isn't there a better way?

According to a Gartner Inc. study, the right document management system reduces potential paper-related costs by 40%.

Implementing document management software has the potential to increase productivity and efficiency by reducing costs in a number of other areas inside your organization.

Do More With Less Through Better Document Management

Through a document management system specific to your needs and workflows, your business may see:

  • Faster search abilities through a broader range of document search criteria and functions

  • Improved document distribution with built-in accountability through workflow automation

  • Enhanced document storage and archiving capabilities from desktop computers

  • Greater ability to do more work in fewer hours with less personnel

  • Reduced storage space for physical documents

Target Staff Inefficiencies to Gain Cost Savings

Through improved document management, your employees waste less time on document retrieval processes slowed by misfiling and mismanagement. Increasing efficiencies around how your employees and your business manages internal and external documents allows your employees to do more in less time.

By putting the right document management tools in the hands of the right people inside your organization, you boost employee efficiency while also reducing your operational and paper-based costs.

Assess Document Management Needs Strategically

To see the kinds of efficiencies above, you first need to choose the right document management system. While choosing a system based on essential features is easy, tailoring that system to your unique document management needs requires some set of assessment questions, like the following:

  • How many documents must the system store?

  • How many users will access the system?

  • Is public access for the system necessary?

  • What existing software must be integrated?

And, finally:

  • What business processes and workflows need to be improved to immediately reduce costs and improve productivity?

While it’s true that improved business processes as a result of efficient document management could result in reduced staff, some businesses achieve greater value by reassigning staff members to more strategic positions.

This way, staff members are able to focus on high-impact tasks and continue to take the business in the right direction.

Learn more about breaking away from paper-based processes and switching to digital documents.

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